Actually, I’m leaving in a Cadillac, but sometimes it feels like a jet plane when I’m driving down the road.
What the heck am I talking about?
Well, some of you may know that I’ve been talking about moving for a while. We were going to move three years ago, so my husband (Jess) could attend a school in Florida, but the plans fell through. Luckily, he was able to do online courses from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I think this ended up working in our favor, but we’ll never know where that other path may have lead.
Now, we’re about to embark on a completely new path. On Friday, Jess got the job offer he had been promised for a couple of months. The job is in L.A. which we had anticipated. What we had not anticipated (due to some timing issues) was the fact that we would need to pick up and move in less than a week!
It has been a crazy couple of days, filled with visits, packing, planning, and all the other things that go into a big sudden move. Thank goodness we had the sense to pack a lot of the stuff right after he graduated. Otherwise, this week would have been more hectic than it already is!
So, this means that I will be postponing any blog posts, emails, projects, etc. that I was planning and working on.
I may write on the trip. I am going to be stuck in a car for several hours, after all! But I’m going to make a commitment to not post anything until after we get settled. I don’t know how long that will take, so I can’t give a time frame here. Hopefully not too long, though.
I want to take some time and enjoy this trip with my family. It’s actually the first long car drive we’ve all been on together.
We may end up hating each other by the end of the trip, or we may get closer. Either way, it’s an opportunity I don’t want to miss!
So, until next time, bon voyage! I’ll be writing next time from sunny California. 🙂