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Website Design

50 milliseconds.

According to a study by Carlton University in Ottawa, that’s all the time it takes for a visitor to form an impression of your website. And once that impression is made, it’s made. That first twentieth of a second can mean the difference between visitors engaging with your content or hitting the Back button.

50 milliseconds isn’t long at all.  It can take up to 400 milliseconds to blink your eyes. If your design isn’t up to snuff, you may have lost your visitor before your page is even done loading.

Our design specialists will make sure your site makes the right first impression, but we won’t stop there, because neither will your visitors. A good first impression doesn’t always mean engagement. It takes a solid design all-around to keep your customers happy, even if they like the looks of your site after the first eye blink.

Website visitors want clean, uncluttered, easy-to-navigate pages, and that’s what we deliver. If you want to make the most of your 50 milliseconds, give us a call at 417-763-3736 for a free consultation, or email us at