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Social Media Contests

Here’s a question for you: What’s fun, easy, and results in more engagement than just about any other form of advertising?

If you guessed “contests,” you’re the winner! Doesn’t that feel nice?

People love contests. Especially if the contest comes with a cool prize. Gift certificates are super simple and they make great prizes.

Of course, those prizes don’t always have to be monetary. Do you run a pizza parlor? Why not have a pizza design contest where the winner’s name goes on the menu next to their pizza?

A great contest idea with a great prize isn’t enough, though. You have to advertise it. That’s where we come in. We’ll design a plan that’ll make sure your contest is a winner. We’ll help as much or as little as you need, from designing ads to coming up with idea itself. If you want, we’ll take care of everything except providing the prize.

Check out some of the contests we’ve helped with in the past.

Below are just some of the contests we’ve helped create.

Contact me if you’re interested in building a contest that will boost your followers, engagement, and (even) sales.

1 Comment

  1. 20 Questions You Must Answer to Make your Next Facebook Contest a Success!
    August 24, 2014 @ 9:43 pm

    […] are 20 of the top questions I ask when planning a contest. There are more than this, and sometimes even more sub-questions that popup once you start […]