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  1. The Correct Way to Use Pictures On Your Facebook Page
    May 20, 2013 @ 12:38 pm

    […] 2: Purchase or find alternate free pictures to use. I wrote a blog post recently with links to some great free photo sites. Step 3: Thank your lucky stars that you found out about this before someone else did. P.S. Yes, […]

  2. Team 3 Media’s New Direction
    December 1, 2013 @ 7:34 pm

    […] that I have planned is a series of ebooks (free and paid). If you’ve read about my “31 Days to An Awesome Facebook Page” then you’ll know what I’m talking about. That book is still definitely a part of […]

  3. 20 Questions You Must Answer to Make your Next Facebook Contest a Success!
    August 24, 2014 @ 9:43 pm

    […] are 20 of the top questions I ask when planning a contest. There are more than this, and sometimes even more sub-questions that popup once you start […]

  4. 20 Ways You Can Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page - Team 3 Media
    December 1, 2015 @ 1:29 pm

    […] a paragraph about what fans will get if they like your Page (i.e. coupons, free tips, updates on new products or services) to the about […]

  5. Tutorial: Get More Facebook Likes by Adding a Facebook Like Button to Your Website - Team 3 Media
    December 21, 2015 @ 8:31 pm

    […] in your business in some way. Now it’s your turn to give something back to them. Give them a reason to read your posts, and keep them coming back for more. This is the way that you start cultivating relationships […]

  6. 20 Questions You Must Answer to Make your Next Facebook Contest a Success! - Team 3 Media
    December 21, 2015 @ 8:32 pm

    […] Social Media Analysis […]

    January 5, 2016 @ 12:38 pm

    Hi, Cassie,
    I “met” you in Mari Smith’s Facebook Business Breakthroughs group and found your comments very helpful. I’m a MO girl, too, living across the border in KS for the second half of my current life. I can totally relate to your challenges, and share them – though I must say you’ve made better progress than I on conquering them. I’ve only been doing social media consultancy since mid 2013 and constantly fear that I don’t know enough. I think I’ll borrow your words “brave” and “finish” for myself this year and see what I can do with them. BTW, don’t know what tool you use for your project list and queue list, but I adore Trello. I used it as a project manager and use it now for my biz and personal. And it’s free! Yea! Anyway, good blog post! Have a fab 2016!


    • Cassie Witt
      January 6, 2016 @ 12:32 am

      Hi Linda,

      I remember you, too! It’s great to make connections and keep them. Us MO girls have to stick together! 🙂

      Thanks so much for your kind words.

      I wrote this post, because I actually feel like I haven’t conquered these like I should. I’m going to make this year different. Hang in there with your consulting. I felt unqualified for a long time, so I can empathize. The only thing that I can tell you is that it gets easier with each session and each new client.

      As for Trello, I have tried to use it more than once. I am “back on the wagon again” as they say. Mostly because I think a “kanban” todo list suits me better than not. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe if I actually stick with it, I’ll write a blog post about how I use it. For now, though, I’m still in the testing phase. I wouldn’t mind having any tips you can throw my way, though. 🙂

      I wish you the best in 2016, too! And, thanks again, for stopping by.


  8. 20 Ways You Can Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page - Team 3 Media
    August 16, 2016 @ 7:32 pm

    […] Put your Facebook Page link on your business card. […]


  9. Cassie Witt
    October 31, 2016 @ 12:54 pm

    […] the beginning of the year, like I have for the past couple of years, I have chosen 3 words for the year. The three words are like a guideline for what you want to accomplish and who you want to be. I got […]


  10. The Whole Point of Dancing is the Dance or Why I’m Rebooting My Life at 34 – Cassie Witt
    June 20, 2017 @ 10:59 pm

    […] the last couple of years around New Years, I’ve chosen “3 Words” for the year. An idea I got from Chris Brogan, who also employees it every year. It’s an […]


  11. The Most Useful Posts of 2017 - Team 3 Media
    January 31, 2018 @ 11:12 am

    […] #1: How to Always Be Effective at Social Media […]
