
Facebook Changes Layout of Mobile iOS App

Get Your Cover Photos Ready for Mobile and Other Updates You Need to Do

via Practical Ecommerce
Facebook recently changed the Pages layout in its Apple iOS mobile app. The reason for the change, according to Facebook, is that roughly 50 percent of Page visits come from mobile devices…

Cassie Witt‘s insight:

Make sure you’re cover photos are ready for the mobile update. Android has been updated as well. 🙂

See the rest of the article on www.practicalecommerce.com

Cassie Witt
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About Cassie Witt

Hiya, I'm Cassie and I've been doing social media since 2008. I've managed, consulted, and built social media programs in both corporate and freelance settings. I enjoy helping business owners and managers learn to get better results out of their social media, without wasting a lot of time. I'm also a very geeky bookworm, who loves to read and watch fantasy and sci-fi shows, and play board games with my family.